What is a United States Senator?
United States Senators are responsible for representing their constituents in the federal government.
Senators author and vote on legislation, secure money for their districts in federal budgets, and advocate for their constituents’ interests. Their primary focus is on national issues like defense and the economy.
There are two Senators per state with tenure-based ranking, and whoever wins this race will be the Junior Senator under Senator Alex Padilla.
Senators serve six-year terms, with no term limits. Non-leadership members are paid $174,000 annually, and most Senators serve well past regular retirement age.
Why You Should Care
United States Senators represent citizens at the highest level of government. While they aren’t usually involved in local politics, they typically begin their careers locally. The Senate also confirms Presidential Cabinet appointments and Supreme Court picks—an important power highlighted recently when judicial appointments were held up by the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s extended absence.
Our Vision for This Office
California only gets two Senators to represent 40 million people, so we need to choose them wisely. Our United States Senator should be the best example of what a politician can be: a committed advocate for the people they represent, a savvy dealmaker, and an accomplished individual that embodies California values.
✅ Adam Schiff
Since his election to the House of Representatives in 2000, Adam Schiff has prioritized creating economic opportunities, supporting taxpayer relief, addressing gun violence, and protecting a woman’s right to abortion. Schiff has also been a reliable watchdog for democracy, leading the public hearings into the effects of the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol, and leading the first impeachment process against former President Donald Trump.
His opponent is conservative Republican Steve Garvey, a former Los Angeles Dodger who seems to have decided to run for senate because he didn’t have anything else going on. Garvey’s policies are completely out-of-touch with California voters, and with the exception of clubhouse politics, he has no experience that makes him qualified to be a senator.
Paid for by TogetherSF Action. Not authorized by any candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.