Our 2024 Board of Supervisors Endorsements

At TogetherSF Action, our main goal is making San Francisco’s government more effective and accountable to voters. Helping voters really understand the candidates and issues in each election is a big part of that—our voter guides are used by tens of thousands of San Franciscans, and our endorsements move the needle. In the March 2024 Primary, we helped flip the DCCC, and San Franciscans voted with us on every one of our endorsed measures. 

These endorsements matter, because being an elected official in San Francisco is a difficult job if you do it right, and it’s especially difficult right now. Candidates for office need to have the political experience to navigate City Hall, and the managerial experience to navigate the city’s crises. It’s a tough, but necessary balance to master.

The Board of Supervisors are some of the most important elected officials we’ll vote for. San Francisco has 11 supervisors to represent over 800,000 people—this November, we’ll vote for supervisors in District 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. We’ll be rolling out our endorsements over the next month, so check back here for updates and deep dives into why we’ve selected each of our endorsed candidates.


How We Evaluated the Candidates

To prepare our endorsements, we don't just research what candidates say on the campaign trail and report it back verbatim—we find out what candidates have actually accomplished in their careers. We interview candidates, research their professional backgrounds, and examine their voting records (if they have one). We’re also evaluating every candidate to see how well they align with our four focus areas.

  • Governance
    Elected officials need to be accountable to voters, working for a functional City Hall—one that’s not constantly gridlocked.

  • Public safety
    Elected officials need to understand that San Francisco won’t fully thrive until everyone feels safe at home and on the street.

  • Street conditions
    Elected officials need to find solutions to fix the mental health, homelessness, and drug crises on our streets.

  • Economic prosperity
    Elected officials need to find innovative solutions to attract and retain business, so essential city services aren’t cut and the city thrives.

We’ll be applying this same process to all our endorsements in our upcoming November 2024 Voter Guide. Because the November election isn’t just about the next four years—it’s about San Francisco’s future.

Paid for by TogetherSF Action (tsfaction.org). Not authorized by any candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.


Marjan Philhour for District 1 Supervisor


Our 2024 Board of Education Endorsements