November 2024 is a pivotal election for San Francisco, and TogetherSF Action is hitting the doors, the phones, and your neighbors’ homes to bring all the most crucial ballot explainer info to voters. There are so many ways to get involved—choose one and join us in taking action today.

Ways to Get Involved

Ways to Get Involved ⋆

Knock Doors

Past SF elections have been won by as few as 100 votes. Canvassing can seem futile when nobody’s home, but the
conversations you do have could literally make or break an election.


It’s just as impactful as canvassing, but from the comfort of your home (or our headquarters). Join us for a phonebank today.

Host a House Party

Our voter guide parties are the best way to help your network stay informed. You bring the friends, the venue, and the refreshments; our organizers will bring voter guides and expert knowledge.

Be a Community Leader

Our Community Leader corps is our secret sauce—we couldn’t make change without them. Sign up today to play a key role in ongoing mobilizations and engage your community in impactful action.


Want to give but short on free time? Your donation helps fund community organizing, voter education and outreach, and key actions to pressure City Hall to provide solutions to San Francisco’s most pressing issues.

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