Supporting Reproductive Rights


San Francisco is a leader for liberal values and Democratic governance in the United States. With women’s right to choose under attack in a number of states across America, we have a responsibility to set the tone and ensure reproductive rights are protected in this city. We’re voting yes on Proposition O because it ensures that access to reproductive healthcare will be readily available for San Franciscans who need it.

The Context

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion has been banned in 14 states, significant restrictions exist in seven other states, and a woman’s right to choose is constantly under siege in the Supreme Court. But we’re in California, we don’t have to worry about losing access to reproductive rights here, you might be thinking. Maybe not, but three years ago most people thought Roe v. Wade was untouchable, too. 

This measure would broaden access to reproductive health services in San Francisco in a number of ways. Some states effectively shut down abortion clinics by imposing impossible building restrictions—this measure uses land use controls to clarify that reproductive health clinics are allowed in non-residential spaces. It requires public notices about where people can access reproductive health services, and requires signage at those misleading crisis pregnancy centers to tell people they don’t provide comprehensive reproductive health care. And the measure would establish a fund that both private and city dollars (if appropriated later) could go to support people who need reproductive health care. Abortion is healthcare, and we’re proud to see San Francisco remain a leader for liberal values.

The Money

A committee, “Mayor Breed's Committee for Reproductive Freedom, Yes on O,” has been formed to support this measure.

Support & Opposition

Supporters include Mayor London Breed, D1 Supervisor Connie Chan, District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani, District 7 Supervisor Myrna Melgar, District 9 Supervisor Hillary Ronen, and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins. There is no organized opposition at this time.

Other Organizations That Share Our Endorsement: The San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee and the United Democratic Club.

Paid for by TogetherSF Action. Not authorized by any candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at

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